Archive for October 2007

The Anchor That Holds by Pamela Kay

October 8, 2007

anchor-clipart-picture18.gifIn these troubled times, we often feel lost, alone, hopeless, useless, doomed and afraid. We do not know where to turn for help or for hope. Friends and family forsake us. Loved ones can be so into themselves that they have no time for us and often find themselves in the same boat with you. But they offer no help. It seems there is nothing safe to hold on to. No anchor in a storm filled life. Jesus is the anchor that holds fast.

Only Jesus can help us. The sands of time flow fast into the bottom half. You can read the times and the signs and see we are on a collision course with destruction. No fortress will be strong enough, no cave deep enough to keep our fate at bay. It comes in great galloping strides to end our existence on this earth. It cannot be stopped. Any who tell you it can be stopped or that this is nothing more than religious drivel, is playing ostrich by hiding their heads in the sand. Pretending something will happen to change things. It never works.

As bleak as the inevitable may be, it is far better to face it than to deny it. If we cannot stop the sands of time, then what can we do? This is the simple part. The hard part was getting to the point of asking this question. The answer is to give your life to Jesus. Get ready for eternal life in heaven with Him.

A lot of the Bible has been proven true. None of it has been proven false though it is often hotly contested. This alone should give one pause to think of the consequences if it is true and you are not ready according to its words when time runs out. Yet sadly, everyday the chasm between mankind and God grows wider as we seek to make gods of ourselves in a futile attempt to be in control.

But God will not be mocked. We are here for His own pleasure. Not meaning fun, but meaning His use or purpose. It does not matter that you do not believe in Him, for He believes in you. He is the Creator and thus has the final say. He has given us warnings, examples and rules to help us live, as He wants His created beings to live. He has His own plan and it will be done as He deems it should be. He even sent His Son to show us. He sent Jesus to us.

So just, who is this Jesus? Well He is the Great I AM, Yahweh, Jehovah, the Son of God, the Alpha and Omega, Lord of lords, King of kings, Savior, Chief cornerstone, Eternal Life, Holy, True, Light of the world, Judge of the living and dead, Lamb of God, Life Eternal, Prophet, Rabbi (teacher), Resurrection, Rock of ages, Root of David, Lion of Judah, Mediator, the Way, the Truth, the Life, and the Word of God.

These are some, of over a hundred, names or titles given to Jesus Christ in the Bible. However, they alone cannot tell you who He is. What I call Him is Friend, Enabler, Savior and Anchor. He is the most important person in my life though my actions do not always reflect this. Family is important, but He is more so. For in His hands rest the fate of my eternal soul. This life is but a wisp of smoke and then it is no more, but eternity is just that: eternal.

Jesus Christ is an enabler. Through Him, I am able to conquer and withstand the onslaught of evil that I confront each day of my life. I am able, through Him: to love those who are not lovable, forgive those who deserve no forgiveness, and have compassion for those who have brought their own house down on their heads by folly. Through Him, I am able to give to the needy, when my own cupboard is almost bare. I am able to smile at others and offer hope and comfort, when inside I weep, for my own pain. Jesus did as much for me.

Jesus Christ is a friend closer than a brother. In Him, I have found a friend like no other. Someone who loves me and is for me, no matter how many times I break His heart with my selfishness, sinfulness or willfulness. He calls me to repentance instead of turning away and giving up on me. I am so precious to Him. He is all the more awesome because He first loved me and did not wait for me to repent, to start loving me, but has known and loved me from the beginning of time.

Jesus Christ is my Savior. I do not deserve the love, grace or mercy of Christ Jesus. It is a gift, from the most powerful person in the universe to me, a very small inconsequential speck in the vastness of creation. How awesome is His perfect way: to give love where none is deserved. To make me worthy by the giving of His own life, so He could love me. Who else, but He, could devise such a perfect plan?

He is also my anchor. There is a song by Ray Boltz entitled “The Anchor Holds.” My reaction to this song is a good definition of who Jesus is to me. Each time I hear this song, I weep. It brings to me a mental picture so real that all else fades away, a vision if you will.

I see me, in a boat close to a rocky shore in the midst of a raging storm. The boat is anchored by a rope in the hands of Jesus, who is on the shore. In the darkness the wind howls, lightening flashes and waves wash over the sides of the boat as it rolls from side to side. I can taste the salt of the water and the blood from a bitten lip. I am tossed and thrown about, bruised and battered, aching and sore, but somehow, my eyes never leave Him. He wears a simple shirtdress of white, which is plastered, to his body by wind and rain as He too is drenched by the ruthless storm. The wind whips His hair against His face and stings His skin. The tightly held rope is cutting into the flesh of His hands, but still He holds to it, with His feet planted firmly and His body leaned back in the struggle. The muscles of His neck and arms are strained, in the flashing light of the storm. He notices none of this; His attention is focused on saving me. I am weeping in this little vision, but not from fear. No, I am weeping because I know I do not deserve what He has done for me, and because the love in my heart for this man is too great to be contained. I trust Him with my life, and because He gave His life to save me; I know that no matter the cost, He will not let go of me, ever.

Why, you may ask, does He allow these storms in my life if He loves me? Can He not, as He did in the Bible, speak the storm into submission? Yes, He can do this. But how then would I ever be able to see just how much He loves me and what a terrible price He paid to save me? No, it is far better that I experience these storms and learn to hold on to Him and trust Him to hold on to me.

I know He is my only hope of salvation. However, He is more than enough, for He is the great I Am. When the storms of this life have reached an ending, He will tow the boat to shore and reach out His hand, welcoming me to eternity with Him. We will remember the storm no more.

The following is the end of a poem I wrote about this mental image I have of Jesus loving me. The whole poem as well as other of my writings can be seen at;

My mind just cannot comprehend, that someone could love me so.
That such a price could be paid for me by someone I did not know.
For even when I was lost in the world, too blinded by sin to see
That I had been bought and paid for, Jesus was loving me.

Why 911 will never be “over” by Pamela Kay

October 2, 2007

eagle_soaring.jpgToday I posted a comment to a blog that was a review (complete with comments) of a book entitled The World Is Flat by Thomas Friedman. The author seems to think that 911 is over and that we should just get back to life as usual, and stop all of the nonsense about terrorist threats, airport security and government eaves-dropping on suspects. I do think that the government has gone too far in the taking away some of our rights, but there is a thin line between having freedom and protecting it. The following is my comment”

“I am sorry, but you are so wrong. 911 will never be “over” as it has changed life, as we knew it.

There are thousands of things going on in this world, many of which we never hear or see reported on the news because they seem so unimportant to the masses. However, they like 911 are very important indeed. They each take us one-step closer to martial law.

When this happens, we will all look back on the little things that happened as well as the big things that should have been wake up calls. But it will then be too late.”

I wish to elaborate on this comment of mine by asking these questions.

Am I the only one who finds it odd that our government has ignored the illegal immigration of so many unknown people into our country? And that our borders are left so open? What could be the reason for this blinding? Franklin D Roosevelt once said, “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” Dare we ask could God have a hand in it, to bring about His plan?

Has the escalation of crime in general left you shaking your head in disbelief? Do the organizations that are on the side of criminals and protecting their rights make you want to scream? Could this and the illegal influx, as well as terrorist threats to our country not be a catalyst for martial law being declared in America? How many rights will we have then? Are we satisfied that we helped to put the right person in the White House?

Have you ever heard of or do you know what the organization Echelon is? hear of the Bilderberg Group? Maybe you should check them out at

Want to know who goes to these yearly group meeting designed to rule the little people?

Ever heard that the way to control a nation is to start with its children and win them over to your way of thinking? Well, think back to what happened during the Vietnam War. Never have our youth been so outspoken or so out of control. I know this because I was there. Those young people who spit on and burned our flag were born in the forties. The forties are when Israel became a nation again, when the Bilderberg Group was being thought up and when they started to take over the minds of our children. It was the beginning of the the last days, spoken of in the Bible. It was the beginning of this country’s downfall.

Does the phrase New World Order not make you quake in your boots? Do you think it is something new? Is this not mentioned in the Bible as coming about in the last days? Does Europe sharing one common monetary system not ring any bells?

Does the escalation of unrest in the Middle East not make you uncomfortable? Even when you acknowledge the fact that they have been fighting among themselves forever, does it not seem strange that this wasteland of dry sand holds something that the whole world wants and needs? Is this just a coincident or is it a part of a much larger plan?

Does the call for the annihilation of Israel not make you think of something you may have heard in Sunday school long ago? Do you ever wonder how this small race of people has held on to their homeland so tenaciously? Has God intervened on their behalf?

Does Russia’s cooling it with the United States not make you wonder what is going on?

Do you know that in China great numbers of male children, born due to sex selection abortions, are now coming of age and that there are 120 men for every 100 women? Sound innocuous? Well for every 1000 men born, there will be 200 with no wife. This is staggering when you consider that China’s population is 1,321,851,888. You do the math. Where will these men find wives? And if marriage is shut to them, what will they do with their lives? Join the military maybe? What could and would China do with such a vast army? Ever heard of such an army, possibly in the last book of the Bible: Revelation?

Do you feel sick when you turn on the news and hear that another disaster, caused by the weather, has claimed thousands of lives? Could it possibly be that we in our pursuit of wealth may have caused some of it?

Do you ask yourself where God is when you read about the suffering in places like Darfur? Do you wonder about the famines and droughts that are plaguing our planet?

Could it be possible that the Bible is true and all of these things are leading up to what will be the biggest and bloodiest battle ever fought on this earth?

Are you fighting for your right to worship as your heart dictates? Or are you cowered by those who scream for political correctness and a Godless society? Do you allow them to change who you are, so you will fit in and keep the peace? This is not keeping the peace; it is trampling on it. Soon we will have no right to worship. Even now in the name of tolerance, churches are springing up everywhere that are ordaining those who live Godless lives as pastors. They do not preach, teach or instill the words of the Bible. They have created a new God. One that is tolerant of all things. We like sheep have gone astray and are lost now. And our country is dying for lack of prayer and revival.

I believe in tolerance. However, I do not tell others that they are right when they are wrong, not do I allow them to change my beliefs or me. I do not try to force the Good News on anyone. By tolerance, I mean that I am not unkind to those who see things in a different way from me. That is their right. I tolerate their right to exist and do not try to harm them. However, neither do I join in with them. I am neither their judge nor jury that is God’s job, not mine.

If we continue to ignore our loss of rights and the damage we are doing to this world and the effects it has on all, we will have been willing participants in bringing about a great super power who will rule the world with a hard hand. Because the results of our doing nothing now, will be such as to make the world reel and men’s hearts to fail from fear. Sound familiar?

When citizens who do nothing now but complain about illegal immigration, crime rates and the government stealing of our rights as humans, we participate in the hastening of martial law being declared. Because, when we finally wake up and see that the government is not going to do anything but talk, some will take matters into their own hands and there will be such civil unrest that we will welcome the interference of the government.

Yes, imagine that, things getting so bad we welcome the government to take control, just to gain a little peace. Selling our birthright for a bowl of pottage. How long will we be satisfied with that way of life? Not very long! We are too use to our freedom of choices, which of course will be the first thing we are stripped of and will no longer have. We will rebel and demand to have back what we so willingly handed over. But our wings will be clipped and we will soar through the heavens freely no more.

For it will not be given back to us. No my friend, it will not be returned to us. Powers behind the scenes, (those we didn’t bother to learn about because we were too busy living our life) have been working feverishly for years to bring about everything that will have caused us to relinquish our rights in the first place. We will become nothing more than a number. Just another worker bee to keep those in power fed with honey as they play with what is left of the world as though it were a set of tinker toys.

Thinking this will never happen? Think again! It is happening day by day right in front of our eyes. But we are too busy to see it. Who would have ever thought that one man could do what Hitler did? This is not a new thought at all. It is well covered in the Bible. And all you need do is make yourself familiar with its pages and you will see for yourself that things are happening just as the word of God says they will. Time is short. It is the eleventh hour already.

So, what can you do? Well for starters, you can wear some real holes in your jeans by getting on your knees to pray. Read the Bible and learn what it says. You can stand your ground on your beliefs, no matter the personal cost. You can start living a green life. You can turn off the television and start reading newspapers and books on current events. Educate yourself and vote. Protest at your child’s school and if that fails to bring about better curriculum, withdraw them and home school them. Remember this; even one drop of water will cause a ripple that will spread outward.

Many will read this post of mine and laugh at me as a holey roller or fanatic. I do not care at all. They laugh at every thought that does not agree with them. I write this for those who have for one reason or another never stopped to think about what is going on around them. Through the years, I have stumbled upon different ideas but the Bible seems solid to me and is being proved daily. The strange thing is that though some spend their lives trying to disprove it, they cannot. The most they can do is come up with another theory, most of which fall far short of being believed. And I have read of several scientists who set out to prove the Bible false only to end up believing in its words. So, to you who have had your interest piqued, research and find out. To you who choose to laugh at me, well they say laughter id a good medicine so here is to your health:)

Remember these famous quotes.

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

~Winston Churchill~

“No arsenal, no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.”

~Ronald Reagan~

And who can doubt that it will lead to the worst disorders when minds created free by God are compelled to submit slavishly to an outside will? When we are told to deny our senses and subject them to the whim of others? When people devoid of whatsoever competence are made judges over experts and are granted authority to treat them as they please? These are the novelties which are apt to bring about the ruin of commonwealths and the subversion of the state

On the margin of his own copy of Dialogue on the Great World Systems